Hospital Authority

The Career Website will undergo a scheduled system upgrade from 30 Jan 2024 22:00 to 31 Jan 2024 02:00 (Hong Kong Time). Our e-Recruitment services (including job application) will be temporarily suspended during the upgrade period. Please save the application by clicking “Save as draft” if needed. Should you encounter any problems, please send email to Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Note for Hospital Authority job applicants:

1. New recruits to the Hospital Authority on contract full time employment terms with employment commencement date on or after 1 June 2015 will be subject to the new retirement age of 65, regardless of their ranks.
2. In accordance with the Hong Kong Government’s Preparedness and Response Plan for Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance, the Hospital Authority has implemented measures for the Alert Response Level. All staff members, patients and visitors are required to wear surgical masks in the patient care areas of public hospitals and clinics. For more details, please visit
3. HA staff and job applicants who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine are recommended to receive the vaccination.
4. Viewing of VNC can be sorted by Issuing Date, VNC No., Post, Closing Date, Category or Cluster in either ascending or descending order. Application for all vacancies should be made on-line as follows:
Step 1: Select a job and click the post title for the job details
Step 2: Click "apply" and follow the procedures to submit an on-line application form
Step 3: To safeguard your personal data, please make sure you properly logout the system by clicking "Logout" at the right hand corner
 for demo video (To Firefox users: the video is supported by Firefox version 57 or above)
The Recruitment App of the Hospital Authority, "Join HA", has been launched on 21 Feb 2022. Please download "Join HA" from App Store / Google Play to explore career opportunities in HA and apply for job openings easily via mobile devices.
 for more information on "Join HA".


1. 凡於2015年6月1日或以後以全職合約聘用條款聘任的醫院管理局新入職僱員(不論職級),將會採用新的退休年齡,劃一為65歲。
2. 因應特區政府「對公共衞生有重要性的新型傳染病準備及應變計劃」,醫院管理局現已實施戒備應變級別措施。病人、訪客和員工需在公立醫院及診所的病人護理區域內佩戴外科口罩。詳情請參閱
3. 醫院管理局鼓勵所有未接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗的現職員工及求職者完成接種。
4. 職位空缺可以按照刊登日期、參考編號、職位、截止日期、職系或聯網作排序。 所有職位空缺的申請應透過以下方式在網上遞交:
步驟 1:選擇職位,然後點擊職位標題以獲取職位詳細信息
步驟 2:點擊「申請」並按照程序遞交網上申請表
步驟 3:為了保障您的個人資料,請點擊右上角的「登出」,確保正確地登出系統
觀看示範影片 (Firefox用家請注意: 此影片只支援Firefox 版本57或以上)
醫院管理局的招聘應用程式「HA好工」已於 2022 年 2 月 21 日推出。請到App Store / Google Play下載「HA好工」,以便輕易地在流動裝置上瀏覽醫管局的工作機會及申請職位。
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